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Laszlo Nemcsik-


Laszlo is an engineer since 1995, when he completed his electronics engineering degree in a university in Hungary.

He's got an impressive amount of experience in the repairs of a wide range of dental laboratory equipment. He spent 3 years working as a general laboratory engineer in a well-known laboratory in Scotland, and over 5 years in an international dental laboratory supply company as a service engineer, repairing several hundreds of hand pieces each year. During his time there, he gained an overwhelming amount of knowledge on various kinds of equipment repairs. Some of these include, but are not limited to, Kavo, NSK, Renfert, Whipmix, Amann Girrbach, Bifa, Dentalfarm, Manfredi. In addition, he has visited manufacturers like Schick, Silfradent, Vita, and Renfert, where he completed technical courses and received certificates proving his worth as a service engineer. 

As of 2019, he has also had the honour of becoming the only Renfert authorised Service Partner in the United Kingdom, thus is responsible for the repair and servicing of all Renfert machinery under warranty in the UK.

Outside his work, his interests are keeping up to date with technology.

Sarolta Gerecz - 

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